Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Victory speech

Good evening America†¦. I stand here before you, overwhelmed by the final verdict of our unique nation. I, Paris Hilton am the first female candidate to have won the position of Presidency in this great country of ours. I have achieved the unthinkable! Once again, America has demonstrated her ability to be different. While, I know, the pressure I expect to face in the coming years will be a lot, I promise that I will deliver on the trust and faith all of you have reposed in me. The Democrats have always striven hard to win and I symbolize them and thank them for the support they have given me. The last President, Barack Obama, America's first African-American President, as some of us here know, has given me support throughout my campaign. I thank him for this†¦ My fellow Americans, I promise you that I will bring success but not without some hiccups. BE STRONG and TRUST me, for those who do not, in time I will hopefully prove to you that I am the right person to burden all these responsibilities on. I believe that a country should be run and managed just like we American women manage our houses – orderly, neat, clean and well planned. I want to make changes in our internal policies to ensure that this understanding of mine is effectively executed. The revenue department also should be run the way I run my household budgets – Americans, we must learn to spend only what we earn – this is the only answer to our deficit balance of payments problem. The White House has been standing for the last two centuries and for the first time in its history; I am going to use my redecoration budget on the out side rather than the inside. I plan to make a historical change. I have decided, as some of you know, that the White House is going to be painted pink. Many people will object but please do understand that this is necessary. It is befitting for a woman President to create the correct ambience for all the people who visit her. My father and mother tried to discourage me in the beginning but seeing my determination supported me through thick and thin. Thank you dad, thank you mom, I hope I don't let you down now. I promise I will behave this time. I would like to thank Michelle, my designer for the outstanding evening gowns that she created. The dresses went a long way in attracting big crowds. People were curious to see how I would look at every event. The media was fantastic in portraying my pictures in the best light. The swimsuits that I auctioned helped me get money for my campaign. I must also thank Diana, my hair stylist for her unstinting support. The new styles she created were ones that the public personally adored. Their hard work has paid off and helped me win this hard-fought campaign Throughout my campaign all 17 of my dogs travelled with me across this vast nation. There were many difficulties they faced but they did not falter even once. They ate what was given to them and never complained about lack of sleep or comfort. Without them, I could never have fought so long or so strong. This brings me to the pet licensing policy and one of the first things to address is that an American will be allowed to keep a maximum of twenty animals in the house, without a licence. Before I started campaigning I had acted in some movies and none of them were great hits. Therefore another policy that I have decided to make is that every movie I act in must run in every theatre tax-free everyday. This must continue for one month†¦ I will not endorse anybody driving under the influence of alcohol because after the experience of being in jail for drunken driving, I realise that it is no fun. Teenagers and adults – listen to your President – don't drink and drive. However, this experience has not gone in vain. I appreciate the problems prisoners face in jail. The inmate's orange clothing is poorly designed. It made me look fat and clashed horribly with my hair. I hope during my term as President, I can address some of these issues. I propose to invite some of the world's top designers to suggest new designs for the inmate's clothing. A lot of people wondered why a successful fashion socialite and struggling singer like myself should run for the office of the nation's President. I would like to take this opportunity to explain one of the most important reasons for this decision. Most of you know that I have grown up in the lap of luxury and have never had to work for a living. However, some months ago, my grandfather decided to pledge his wealth to charity. My Porsche, BMW and Mercedes were repossessed. I was even evicted from my Fifth Avenue apartment in New York. This is why I had to stand for elections – to earn the salary that the President is paid with free accommodation and transportation thrown in. Come, my countrymen and join me to create a new page in history. Let us all work together in harmony to create a more fashionable and enjoyable TOMORROW. And for tonight†¦. LET†S PARTY!!

Inclusion and diversity Essay

Identify the current legislations and codes of practise relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity The special educational needs code of practise 2001 This outlines the Constitutional guidance for the responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. This will likely be replaced with the children and young families bill 2013 Codes of practise on duty to promote race equality (2002) This code of practise makes sure that all schools have a written race equality policy written up. this policy should include information on practical on how schools will promote race equality. These are the outcome school policies should be aiming for. Reducing the gap in educational achievement between different races Improving behaviour Improving relationships between racial groups Ensure staff are working in a school that reflects cultural equality Admissions policy which does not discriminate Removing barriers to achievement This helps schools remove barriers holding back achievement of children with special educational needs and disabilities This is the government vision on how schools should go about children with special educational needs or a disability. Early intervention Removing barriers Raise achievement Disability equality scheme and access plan This ensures all schools produce a disability scheme. This scheme should say how schools go about promoting equality of opportunities for pupils, staff and others with disabilities the should also be an action plan that explains how barriers are removed. School policies Most schools have a mission statement that says how school set out how they are working on inclusion and equality. There will also be written policies, for the right and responsibilities of those within the school. Policies will provide guidance for staff and visitors on ways to ensure inclusive practise. There are a number of policies, which are: Race/cultural diversity Safeguarding/bullying Special educational needs Disability and access Equality of opportunity/inclusive practise Gifted and talented pupils Polices are made in response to legislation and codes of practise. The way schools promote rights and equality for children and young people should be put in these policies. There is a much greater focus on pupil’s outcomes. Schools need to monitor the strengths and weaknesses in policy. 1.2 Describe the importance of supporting the rights of all children and young people to participation and equality access Schools have a duty to ensure that all pupils have access to an equal curriculum not matter their race, gender, culture, additional needs or disability. Raising achievement Making sure all pupils have equal access to the curriculum will help the personal achievement of children and young people. Studies over a number of years have shown that some groups of children do not reach their expected achievement. The groups of children that haven’t met expectations are children from black and minority ethnic groups or children who are vulnerable due to their economic or physical circumstances. Equal opportunity does just treating all pupils the same but ensuring that the curriculum meets all the need of each individual pupil. Improving participation Participation means making sure everyone is involved. There should be time granted to talk to children and their parents about the curriculum. Schools can achieve participation by having student councils and parent evenings, also by just asking children in the classroom how they think they learn best and what could be improved. Developing sense of identity Allowing children to access all of what is happening the school gives them a sense of belonging. When giving children the chance to participate they then feel valued and that they are making a valid contribution. We should also help children and young people become independent learners. We can do this by letting children have the chances to make there own choices they are more likely to be more motivated towards their learning. This will give the children the feeling of self-worth and well-being. Improving relationships between individuals and groups Policies that promote equality and inclusion can only give out a positive message. Children need to have their rights protected and should also be taught about their responsibilities to others. Respect can be promoted to children and young people through your everyday actions as you set an example for the groups you work with. 1.3 Describe the importance and benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with children and young people Culture has many different meanings. Culture can be perceived as nationality and religions. This gives groups of people in society their identity. By understanding and promoting different cultural diversities in school help the pupil gain a better understand of one another. It is important the you know the cultural diversities of the pupils within your school especially the children you work with as you will be able to  make links between their own lives and learning. Being able to understand a pupil’s background culture will be the stepping-stone to building and effective relationship. As culture in society is very diverse today diversity should be reflected in the curriculum othroughout. For example, stories and dramas from a wide range of different cultures this will show that you value other cultures and allow pupils to explore different cultures from their own. 2.1 describe ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination Prejudice stems from a lack of knowledge and understanding of diversity. Prejudice is jumping to a conclusion about children or young people because they are in a certain group. For example, if a child was disabled assuming they have a learning difficulty. When people are being prejudice they tend to label children. Labels may be given to a single child or a group of children. Labels are formed on a specific characteristic because of prejudice for example, a group of children being labelled the â€Å"naughty† children. There are two types of discrimination children and young people face direct and indirect discrimination Direct discrimination Direct discrimination is when children or young people are not permitted to access a part of the schools curriculum due to their gender, race or disability. For example when a school doesn’t accept a pupil because of their special educational needs or a group of children not allowing another child to participate because of their race. Indirect discrimination This is difficult to spot, this can happen when practise and procedures are used without taking individuals circumstances into consideration. A child may not be directly excluded but due to their circumstances they are unable to participate. 2.2 describe the impact of prejudice and discrimination on children and young  people Prejudice and discrimination will only have a negative effect on children and young people. This will have a big impact on their academic progress of children and also discrimination will have a negative effect on their overall health. Children and young people may feel (when experiencing discrimination) Loss of self esteem Anger Confusion Depression Lack of motivation 2.3 assess how attitudes, values and behaviour could impact on work with children and young people Everyone working within a school has the legal duty to protect the rights of children and young people. You must take into consideration how your attitudes and values have an impact on the way you work with children. The way a child is brought up can have an effect on the way they act towards individuals and groups. Personal prejudice can lead to discriminatory practice; learning about the different religious beliefs of the children that you work with and knowing about any special educational needs or disabilities can overcome this. 2.4 describe the importance of promoting anti-discriminatory practise in work with children and young people The promotion of anti-discriminatory practise should reinforce all work done in schools. Schools should not just have policies and statements put in place about anti-discriminatory practice, schools must demonstrate anti-discriminatory practice. It is important to monitor how good practice has a positive effect on children and young people’s education and general  well being. 2.5 describe how to challenge discrimination To be able to challenge discriminations you have to recognise anti-discriminatory practice. All staff in schools must protect children from discrimination if you ignore it that shows you are condoning this behaviour. You have to take into consideration how a child may feel if they are experiencing discrimination and a member of staff who is meant to be supporting them ignores them. The child may see as you agree with the perpetrator or that the way they are being treated is normal. It can be difficult to challenge if it is practiced or institutional by a colleague so it is important how you approach different and difficult situations. To be able to challenge discrimination you need to have knowledge of policy, practice and procedures. If you’re more familiar with what is a good practice you will be able to handle incidents better when they arise. Discrimination can be intentional or just ignorance and a lack of understanding. It will be hard to change the views of others but you must confront discriminatory actions and comments. When challenging discrimination you must: Explain what has happened Tell them what effect is has on the individual Model ways to ensure anti-discriminatory practice When anti-discriminatory practice arises, you must speak to your manager or supervisor. 3.1 describe what is meant by inclusion and inclusive practice Inclusive practice is identifying, understanding and breaking down barriers of participation. Inclusion is about making sure all pupils within schools  are able to participate no matter their background or situation. Inclusive practices will make everyone feel valued and have a sense of belonging. Inclusion is making sure that everyone is provided with the same opportunity and access to a high quality education. 3.2 describe features of an inclusive setting for children and young people A school ethos is hard to sum up; it becomes clearer once you enter a school building. There is a feeling that everyone matters. Children and young people feel confident when they approach a member of staff. The schools surroundings reflect the diversity within the school. An inclusive setting is being able to use the whole school as an approach to learning. Barriers are identified and methods are come up with to remove them. Children with special educational needs or disabilities, have strategies put in place which focus on that child or young persons needs. A school setting, which is inclusive, will have the following features: Barriers are recognise and staff have a good understanding of individuals and groups of children Barriers are minimised or removed Pupils are educated together and not segregated from their peers Children’s views and opinions are listened to and valued There are clear policies and procedures and are reviewed regularly All staff are trained regularly relating to inclusion Schools work in partnership with their stakeholders School and outside organisations work in partnership 3.3 describe how inclusion works in own sector of the children’s workforce Professionals that work with children must all share a common understanding of values and principles of inclusion. The ways in which these values are practiced are different depending on the type of organisation and its role in education. No matter the organisation the child should always be the centre of practice. Early years foundation and the national curriculum gives clear guidance on an inclusive approach to learning and assessment. Early years foundation have set out requirements for meeting the need of all children under its equal opportunity section. The national curriculum statement states schools must: Provide a curriculum which ensures active participation and achievement of all pupils Meet the needs an interests of all pupils Recognise and overcome potential barriers Recognise pupils entitlement to high quality learning experiences Personalised learning School have began adopting a system of personalised learning in an attempt to raise standards. This focuses on individual children and young people. Personalised learning makes sure that all children no matter their background, special educational needs, culture or disability, attain the support they need to progress. When personalised learning is successful, children and young people experience: Personal targets Staff who have high expectations A challenging curriculum More focused assessment Early identification and intervention when targets are not reached Promoting well-being through an inclusive curriculum A schools key role is to provide a good quality education through a curriculum that is inclusive to everyone but the school also has a wide role to full fill ensuring the well being of children, Every child matters/help children achieve very child matters was introduced in 2003 following the death of victoria climbe, although the emphasis is still on better outcomes for children, what was also highlighted in the inquiry was that services to work more closely to support the needs and right of all children. Schools and other child services should be all working towards these five outcomes: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well being

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sannu’s Story

Unit 8. Case Study 1. Sannu’s Story Sannu has contracted Leprosy. As a sixteen year old teenager, it is hard to pin point when he was infected since Leprosy has a long incubation period. As a small boy traveling barefoot along trails in his village, Sannu’s body has already adapted to his living conditions. Sannu’s feet are tough and calloused. As Sannu ages, so does his Leprosy infection progress. The infection will cause neuropathy in his extremities which will lead to many injuries to his feet and hands. The wounds acquired will be infected for weeks or even months without treatment.The neuropathy caused by the Leprosy infection is characterized by causing a decrease in sensation in the extremities, muscle weakness, and numbness. Sannu’s feet that have been toughened by his environment and life style have been further injured due to lack of sensation and medical treatment. In an attempt to keep his feet clean to aide the healing of his infections, Sannu is more than likely maintaining a sedentary life style. This life style along with the progression of the Leprosy infection will weaken Sannu’s muscles. A feature common to all forms of Leprosy is nerve infection.Nerve damage appears to result from the multiplication of bacilli within Schwann cells and damage to the perineurium. Most of the deformities occurring from Leprosy are in fact due to trauma or a secondary infection. In a Leprosy infection one of the first symptoms are anesthesia to heat and cold. Leprosy affects the peripheral nervous system by attacking the myelin sheath surrounding the axons which affects the reliability and speed of nerve impulses. In other words, the nerve fibers are no longer insulated and nerve impulses cannot be conducted efficiently.There are different types of sensory receptors located throughout the body and are designed based on a selective stimulus response. The appropriate receptive field is stimulated within a sensory receptor produci ng a response. In Sannu’s condition this action is delayed or absent due to the damage of his free nerve endings. Free nerve endings detect pain, temperature, and touch as well as tickle and itch. Sannu’s encapsulated nerve endings are also damaged. Encapsulated nerve endings detect pressure, vibration, and touch sensations.When Dianna performed the tests to check Sannu’s Achilles tendon and Babinski’s reflex, she was evaluating his somatic senses. Somatic senses involve sensations such as touch, pressure, and pain as well as temperature perception. These are all affected in Leprosy infection. In Sannu’s case he has also lost the sensations of touch, pressure, and pain in his feet and hands due to the affects of leprosy on his nociceptors, mechanoreceptors, proprioceptors, and exteroceptors. These sensations are also present in the sensory receptors free nerve endings and encapsulated nerve endings.Sannu’s interoceptors would not be affected in a Leprosy infection because interoceptors pertain to the body’s internal environment. Mycobacterium leprae grow best in relatively cool areas of the body such as: the skin, peripheral nerves, the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract as well as the chamber of the eye and in severe untreated cases the testes and eventually other vital organs. Leprosy affects the exteroceptors of the external surface of the body. Nociceptors are the receptors of pain and are located in all tissues of the body with an exception of the brain.Proprioceptors do no adapt very much, this is why Sannu still feels pain in his leg that has been amputated. Sannu’s pain is slow pain. Slow pain is referring to pain that is chronic, burning, aching, or throbbing. The peripheral receptors activated during a stimulus are the nociceptors. Like other cutaneous and subcutaneous receptors, Nociceptors transduce a variety of stimuli into receptor potentials. Also, like other somatic sensory receptors, N ociceptors arise from cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia that send one axonal process to the periphery and the other into the spinal cord or brain stem.Peripheral Nociceptors terminate at the site of free nerve endings. Nociceptors are located in the entire body except for the brain. The loss of myelination causes impulses to misfire. Without the myelin sheath the impulses are slower and misdirected. Sannu had little sensation to his extremities because of the process related to his Leprosy infection. Phantom limb pain is a result of neuroplasticity (new neural links can be made), or the brain region that once was responsible for controlling the amputated limb is taken over by an adjacent area of the brain.The phantom limb pain is enhanced by referred sensations, so that stimuli applied to other body parts can be sensed from the phantom limb. In patients with Leprosy, phantom limb pain will not occur with only the amputation of fingers, toes, hands, or feet. Phantom limbs and phanto m limb pain will only occur when the amputation is taken up to the stump of that limb. The representation of Sannu’s amputated leg on the somatosensory map will involve referred sensations because of remapping of somatosensory areas in the brain. The activity of the somatosensory map in the brain leads to conscious experience of body image and somatic sensations.After Sannu’s amputation it is possible for him to initially experience some effects on his balance and equilibrium. This is because after amputation Sannu may still have confused senses of his missing leg. With the introduction of a prosthesis, Sannu’s brain will connect to the prosthetic device causing his brain to remember how to function as if the original leg were still there. The initial sensory loss that Sannu experienced was due to interference of the sensory pathway transmission. Leprosy affects the skin and peripheral nerves which are closest to the exterior of the body where the sensory recept ors are located.Leprosy infection is caused by mycobacterium leprae and mycobacterium lepromatosis. Both forms affect the peripheral nervous system by attacking the Schwann cells, destroying the myelin. At the site of the Schwann cell, the bacteria multiply and cause damage of the nerve architecture and cause secondary inflammation. This disease process results in desensitizing sensory receptors. This is why when Sannu cut his foot, he did not feel the pain, nor the infection that followed. Due to his location in a remote village and lack of medical care, his infection resulted in an amputation.The receptors that should have sensed the initial injury to Sannu’s foot are the exteroceptors. Exteroceptors are responsible for responding to stimulus from outside the body such as touch, pressure, pain, and temperature. After Sannu’s amputation he began experiencing phantom limb sensations. This is considered as a form of neuropathic pain. It is presumed to be a response by t he peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system of an injury. The process of reorganizing occurs from retained nerves from the amputated limb, spinal cord, thalamus, and cerebral cortex.After an amputation the area of the brain that is responsible for processing the sensations from the missing limb are taken over by areas that neighbored the missing limb. It is believed that around 95% of people are naturally immune to Leprosy. Recent research suggests that there is a defect in cell-mediated immunity that causes susceptibility to Leprosy. The area of DNA responsible for that variable is also found in Parkinson’s disease. It is speculated the two disorders are linked somehow at the biochemical level. Research has shown that susceptibility to the disease was linked to region q25 on the long arm of chromosome 6.Further study indicated that the Leprosy susceptibility gene lies within a region shared by two genes for Parkinson’s disease. Resources The Merk Manua l of Diagnosis and Therapy â€Å"Infectious Diseases caused by Mycobacteria† 2004 International Journal of Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases â€Å"Linkage of Leprosy Susceptibility to Parkinson’s Disease Genes† June 2004 www. who. ch/program [email  protected] nl www. encyclopedia. com www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/15372437 en. wikipedia. org/wiki/proprioception rarediseases. about. com. lepercolonies. thalidomide May 16 2009 pubmed. gov Muscle Nerve October 30 2004

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Enivronemnts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Business Enivronemnts - Essay Example ount of slack or  float  time Fi  available is given by Fi  = Li  - Ei  which is the amount by which we can increase the time taken to complete activity i without changing (increasing) the overall project completion time. Hence, we can form the table below: Activity Li Ei Float Fi A 0 0 0 B 8 4 4 C 9 4 5 D 5 4 1 E 7 4 3 F 4 4 0 G 13 13 0 H 26 26 0 I 34 34 0 J 35 34 1 K 41 41 0 L 49 49 0 M 62 62 0 N 71 71 0 O 75 75 0 P 79 79 0 Q 88 88 0 R 93 93 0 Total Float = 14 (Beasley n.d.). 3) Critical Path and Project Duration: Any activity with a float of zero is critical. Note here that, as a check, all float values should be >= 0. (Beasley n.d.). Hence, the critical path is A-F-G-H-I-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q Total project duration is = 93 days 4) If the project starts on 16/January/2012 with 5 working days in a week and assume that there is no holidays, Total duration of project is 93 days, So we need to calculate the date after 93 working days Assume that 5 working days in a week and there are no holidays. 21/May/2012 will be the date for completion of the project. 5) a) Activity B is delayed 2 days. The delay will have no impact on scheduled path. Activity  has  float  of  4  days  and  can  be delayed for as much as 4 days before any impact can be made on the completion date for the project. b) Activity P is delayed 2 days. Activity is on the critical path with zero float.  A late start of 2 days resulting in an increase in overall project from 93 days to95 days a) Activity 0 is delayed 1 day Delays  succeeding activities by 1 day; overall project extended by 1 day as a result 6) Limitations of Network Diagram: â€Å"Cannot handle all specific problems that arise in each step of the project. Different graphical representations can be made easier in other types of control processes. The... It is evidently clear from the discussion that it is the duty of the project manger to set up the various activities of the development process to deal with the team in an appropriate way. Here Jimaga Ltd is a SME company specializing in the design and supply of promotional brochures. As part of its expansion, Jimaga Ltd has employed me as a consultant to supervise one of their special projects. â€Å"This project is concerned with the opening of a building which they recently acquired (35,000 square metres). This new building will permit the company to target and respond to large global organizations† demands for service. Primarily, the staffing arrangement at the new building will reflect the existing structure at the existing site. The project will become a success only if it meets every condition and terms which are laid out in the prescribed form. This report includes the various activities required to successfully organize the opening up of a new building with the time a nd budget limit. For every organization, there will be a set of team responsible for particular project activities within the organization. A project manager is an expert in the area of project management. The responsibility of the project managers includes the planning, carrying out and finishing of any project, normally relating to telecommunications, manufacture business, computer networking, architecture, Aerospace and Defence or software development.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Interview with an immigrant 4 pages single spaced Essay

Interview with an immigrant 4 pages single spaced - Essay Example Nabeeb: Learning English was really hard, especially considering that I had spoken a different language for 20 years. In Tanzania, I was accustomed to speaking the national language which is Kiswahili, in addition to my local Chagga dialect. It is very rare to find people speaking in English in Tanzania, and in fact, most people perceive English as a foreign language. Considering that I spoke very little English by the time I came to the United States, the language barrier was so much of an issue that most of the time, I did not make sense in my broken English, and people would laugh at me. Interviewer: It must have been really hard to get laughed at. How did you handle it? Nabeeb: At first, it was so humiliating. Imagine having kids as young as 6 years old laughing at you because they speak better English than you. It became so bad that I opted not to talk to people and this made me very lonely and homesick. Interviewer: So how did you overcome the language barrier issue and speakin g of home sickness, how bad was it? Nabeeb: After secluding myself for around two months, I realized that life would not get any easier if I did not take up the responsibility of fighting of the language barrier problem. I, therefore, enrolled at a local grammar school where I took up English lessons, started interacting with people and actually urged them to correct me whenever I spoke bad English. But I must say that for an immigrant, having to distinguish between formal English and American slang is an uphill task. The homesickness? No words can fully describe what it feels like to be in an alien land, away from friends and family, and forced to adapt to new life. I would get so home sick that I would spend my free time trying to find other Tanzanians who help me manage the homesickness. Communicating with my family back in Tanzania via telephone also helped ease the homesickness. However, the international calls were very expensive at the time for a student, meaning that communi cation was very rare. Interviewer: Apart from the language barrier and homesickness, what other challenges have you faced as an immigrant in the United States? Nabeeb: Once I set foot in the United States, everything was totally different. It is like waking up to a new world; the weather, the food, the modes of dressing, the accents, and more so the system of education, all gave me a culture shock. In class especially, I found the teaching methods so strange that I used to be the quietest student in class. I could not dare ask questions or even answer them. It really took me time to get adjusted to the American classroom. In addition, there are too many laws controlling the lives of immigrants that one almost feels suffocated. Obtaining a driving license, getting a work permit, travelling out of the country, getting social security, among many other regulations almost make one feel like a suspect. I must also add that it took me quite a while to get used to eating burgers and pizzas . I used to crave for Tanzanian food so much that I would try the recipes only to end up disappointed because the ingredients I found here are not the same as those used in Tanzania. Anyway, after months of complaining, I finally adjusted and I got used to the food here. Interviewer: But the experiences could not have been all bad. Is there anything positive about being an immigrant in the United States? Nabeeb: Everyone wants to live the American dream. That is what I came chasing for and that is the best decision I ever

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Does totalitarianism rise out of the shadow of Liberty and Democracy Essay

Does totalitarianism rise out of the shadow of Liberty and Democracy - Essay Example Totalitarianism is defined as the autocratic tyrannical rule of one, who assumes indefinite powers with respect to all subjects governed. Democracy has typically been defined as the rule of majority, where all individuals are considered equal by law, all having equal say in their governance. Liberty, on the other hand, means the freedom of people with respect to religion, speech, property etc. and it has been traditionally affiliated with Democracy, theoretically and practically absent in Totalitarianism. But history holds evidence that Totalitarianism indeed stems from Democratic and Liberal forms of the government – a fact in spite of the contradictory theories. Writers all across the globe have written innumerable articles on this subject, and people continue to deliberate on the linkage between Democracy and Totalitarianism. Indeed, thinkers have continually predicted the collapse of Democracy into Totalitarianism since the beginning of governance. It is said that a Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It only exists till the time voters realize they have voted themselves out of treasuries which collapse due to lose fiscal policies, and Democracy is always followed by dictatorship (Tyler, 1970). This clearly implies that early contemplators clearly predicted this vicious cycle whereby Democracy will lead to Totalitarianism or Monarchy. Tyler had summed up the history of governments of the past two centuries, which clearly depict this phenomenon. Also, some people have recognized this cycle in slightly different way. Some believe the founders of government types knew how Liberty (0% government and 100% liberty) could span into Anarchy and consequently into Totalitarianism (100% government and 0% liberty). The cycle of democracy in this case is recognized as Democracy leading to Socialism, Socialism leading to Fascism, which in turn leads to Totalitarianism

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tuskegee syphilis experiment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Essay Example Search the internet for a site that you find useful and provide the link to your classmates. Along with the link, give a brief synopsis of why you chose this site (i.e., what it contains, why it's useful). One of the most important and highly useful websites in the field of immunology is It contains the information on activities of International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) related to the research and basic information on immunology. IUIS is the umbrella organization for many of the regional and national societies of immunology through out the world. This site is useful in providing information on organizing international cooperation on immunology, and in providing communication between immunology and its allied branches. It also helps in coordinating various societies of the world working in the area of immunology. 1. What was the Tuskegee Syphilis Study What was the original study aim What did the study end up being about How many people were enrolled How many were alive at the end What were the major ethical issues surrounding this study The Tuskegee syphilis study was a medical clin... The main aim of this study was to study the treatment, natural history, response and biological changes exhibited by patients suffering from syphilis disease with out intimating them the original reason of study. The patients were intentionally not given the treatment for curing syphilis. The study ended in 1972 after 40 years with the reporting of responses of patients suffering from syphilis. However it became controversial with the report of New York Times in 1972 regarding unethical issues and because of which the study was stopped. 600 black men (African American sharecroppers) were enrolled under this study out of which 400 people were suffering from syphilis and 200 people were free from syphilis. It was reported that only 74 of the test subjects survived, and others died and the disease was spread to their wives and children. The main ethical issues surrounding the study are as follows: (a) The patients were not given information on the original purpose of medical study and their consent was not taken. (b) There was a forceful non-treatment for syphilis even though pencillin was invented in 1940s which is very effective against syphilis. (c) The wives and children of black men were also affected, even then the truth was not disclosed. 2. What is the name of the virus that causes AIDS In relatively general terms, how does that virus cause AIDS The name of the virus causing AIDS is Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It has 2 forms i.e. HIV1 and HIV2 out of which HIV1 is more virulent and pandemic strain of HIV. Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) is considered to be the origin of HIV. SIVcpz is the form SIV present in chimpanzee. It is reported that the

Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality Essay

Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality - Essay Example A CT scan may also reveal how much of the colon is inflamed. 2) The second differential diagnosis is Crohn’s Disease. The data that supports this diagnosis includes bloody diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, insidious onset, arthritis (painful knee joints), rash (erythema nodosum), fever, and abdominal pain or tenderness. Also, the onset age is between 15 and 25; males are more likely to develop the disease than females, and people are put more at risk if there is family history of the disease. The lab/diagnostic tests I will need to rule in or out Crohn’s Disease are CT scan, to look for thickening of the colon; CBC, for anemia; pANCA, as ASCA in Crohn’s may differentiate from UC; biopsy; and an IBD serology 7 panel. 3) The third differential diagnosis is infectious colitis/diarrhea/gastroenteritis. The data that supports this diagnosis includes bloody diarrhea, weight loss, anorexia, dehydration, pale skin, abdominal pain or cramps, fever, elevated WBC in stool, an emia, and hyperactive bowel sounds. This disorder is common in all ages, but especially in individuals who have a long history of stomach problems or have tender arthritis. The lab/diagnostic tests I will need to rule in or out infectious colitis/diarrhea/gastroenteritis are testing stools for WBC/leukocytosis; Ova + parasite to exclude amebiasis; toxin assay to rule out c diff; cultures to rule out salmonella, shigella, e.coli and campylobacter; and urinalysis, BUN, specific gravity, and electrolytes. 4) The fourth differential diagnosis is Ischemic colitis. The data that supports this diagnosis includes bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain LLQ tenderness, elevated WBC, and anemia. Ischemic... Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality Patients often expect slow delivery of service. They have a lack of confidence that providers will really help, especially if the patient is poor. For this reason, patients may feel less confident about U.S. providers who are Latino. Physicians in Mexico are revered: â€Å"What is said is done, no questions asked.† Questions are not asked for fear of insulting the provider. This includes questions about the patient’s prognosis. Patients from Mexico and many underdeveloped countries are accustomed to providers who wear white coats. American providers who dress casually may have to prove themselves more. There are exceptions to this. Uninsured and underinsured Latino patients are in survival mode. Maintaining the most basic needs, such as affording food and paying for housing, take over their everyday lives. Most of these people are close to becoming homeless and some are already homeless. As such, preventive care is viewed as a luxury, something that only the rich can afford. This attitude is only strengthened by previous experiences in Latin American countries, where treatment was almost nonexistent due to a major lack of financial resources. For most individuals, healthcare in Latin America was unaffordable and unattainable, and most experience the same problem in the U.S. Latinos in the United States are without health insurance. Even though there are a large amount of preventive services available at free or reduced costs, patients and providers do not always know about these services.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Organic Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organic Revolution - Essay Example Here is the concept of organic food, a new revolutionary wave that characterizes modern farming and ranching. Inasmuch as the climate change campaigners, policy advisors and politicians continue to drag their feet on such a fundamental issue, it is imperative to acknowledge the bare fact that business is not as usual at all. Not at a time when organic revolution continues to spread its tentacles and roots into the tissues that define our posterity. Across the world, thousands of organic farmers and conservationists are on a constant plea to inform the world that we can indeed create a very safe and healthy alternative to the conventional industrial agriculture (Ableman 89). The whole trouble however lies in convincing the masses and the skeptics out there that this is a very real and feasible process devoid of any harm hitherto known. Well, the cynics will normally have their way and their say but the fundamental realization to acknowledge is that as the world’s population sur ges amid diminishing resources, it is imperative that radical measures be put in place to ensure that this generation and the posterity will have food to eat and resources to use. That, in essence, is the fundamental issue that has to be addressed. It is in light of such emerging realities that the concept of organic revolution continues to take shape and be accepted as a solution to the food crisis in the world (Avery 78). However, this should never be accepted with doubts and skepticism. It should be after an understanding of the facts, realities and the imperatives of such a revolution. On the positive aspect, the goal in the organic revolution process is not only limited to feeding the world’s population. It is also about reversing the effects of global warming which is indeed a nightmare in the world. Organic farming helps in capturing millions of the greenhouse gasses that destabilize the ecosystem (Gettelman 45-8). This is enhanced through a combination of activities s uch as reforestation, composting, photosynthesis and the preservation of wetlands all which contribute positively toward reversing the effects of global warming. Indeed, climate change in a global concern that continues to elicit hot debates both on its causes and effects amid the thoughts that certain countries should be more responsible for addressing its consequences given that they contribute more toward the challenge. On that account, any positive process that can effectively curb the effects of global warming should be a welcome story by all and sundry. At least for those concerned with environmental issues. The conventional farming methods practiced across the world are basically energy intensive and involves the application of a lot of chemicals in the farmlands (Guthman 109). The deliberating effects of such industrial agriculture include a release of millions of tons of carbon dioxide gas into the environment. All this becomes a foregone story with the adoption of organic farming. In this case, healthy soils can be nurtured, while plants and trees that are resistant to drought and pests can flourish effectively. Indeed, nothing is better than that. Not at a time when hunger and famines continue to consume millions across the world. Moreover, organic farming produces food that is basically more nutritious with more vitamins and minerals to address the malnutrition that is also a concern in most parts of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Consuming and Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Consuming and Fashion - Essay Example The essay "Consuming and Fashion" discusses the fashion and consuming. The ever increasing tastes and preferences alongside the increased product differentiation and the global practice of trade have meant that the role of marketing within any business entity is very integral; certainly the most crucial. Marketing encompasses the processes of analysis of the target population (market segmentation) to identify trends in consumer needs and wants; new product research and development; product distribution and promotion effort; and the feedback mechanism. The changes in consumers’ tastes and preferences mean that there is a trend in which products and services are in demand at a given time and which are not. This has a direct relation to the sales volume and profitability of an organization. Therefore, fashion in this regard, refers to the popularity in demand for a given product or service at a given point in time i.e. trends in consumption behavior. Fashion styles differ between individuals, and can be reflected in a large group at any given point in time as a measure of both social identification, and distinction (Illomen, 2011). However, this definition has devolved into a limited sense to mean exclusively trendy clothing and other body accessories such as jewelry. Perhaps this is attributable to the huge marketing efforts that are visibly expended into this particular segment of the economy. The mechanics of such a transfer of meaning is a subject not addressed by this report.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How effetive were the articles of confederation in establishing Assignment

How effetive were the articles of confederation in establishing cohesion between the thirteen states - Assignment Example 22). Articles of Confederation happened to be a written document that laid down the functions of a central government once the United States declared freedom from Great Britain. It brought into existence a frail central government that only partially prevented the individual states from carrying on with their own foreign diplomacy (Anastaplo 2006, p. 22). Articles of Confederation were contrived after the American War of Independence gained momentum. The states began to foresee the advantage of having some sort of a central government that coordinated the war efforts. The Articles of Confederation to a great extent succeeded in creating some sort of cohesion between the thirteen colonies. The Articles of Confederation brought into existence a national government commanding a sovereign authority. The Articles of Confederation also curtailed the rights and authority of the individual thirteen states from carrying on with their own independent foreign policy and foreign diplomacy. However, in a practical context the Articles only succeeded partially in restraining the independent states from doing so. For instance the state of Georgia continued to abide by its own sovereign foreign policy with regards to Spanish Florida (Anastaplo 2006, p. 195). Georgia threatened to annex the disputed territories in case the Spanish officials did not abide by the terms and conditions set by them regarding the belligerent Indian nations and the runaway slaves (Anastaplo 2006, p. 195). The Articles of confederation also prevented the federal government from stopping the landing of convicts which the British government exported to its colonies. Thereby, it does need to be mentioned that i n a practical context the Articles of Confederation did fail in bringing in some kind of steely cohesion between the thirteen states. Besides, the Articles of Confederation were innately replete with many built in flaws that made the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gas Compressor Essay Example for Free

Gas Compressor Essay A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are compressible, the compressor also reduces the volume of a gas. Liquids are relatively incompressible, so the main action of a pump is to pressurize and transport liquids. Types of Compressors Centrifugal compressors Centrifugal compressors use a rotating disk or impeller in a shaped housing to force the gas to the rim of the impeller, increasing the velocity of the gas. A diffuser (divergent duct) section converts the velocity energy to pressure energy. They are primarily used for continuous, stationary service in industries such as oil refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants and natural gas processing plants.[1][2][3] Their application can be from 100 horse power (75 kW) to thousands of horsepower. With multiple staging, they can achieve extremely high output pressures greater than 10,000 psi (69 MPa). Many large snow-making operations (like ski resorts) use this type of compressor. They are also used in internal combustion engines as superchargers and turbochargers. Centrifugal compressors are used in small gas turbine engines or as the final compression stage of medium sized gas Diagonal or mixed-flow compressors Diagonal or mixed-flow compressors are similar to centrifugal compressors, but have a radial and axial velocity component at the exit from the rotor. The diffuser is often used to turn diagonal flow to the axial direction. The diagonal compressor has a lower diameter diffuser than the equivalent centrifugal compressor. Axial-flow compressors Axial-flow compressors are dynamic rotating compressors that use arrays of fan-like airfoils to progressively compress the working fluid. They are used where there is a requirement for a high flow rate or a compact design. The arrays of airfoils are set in rows, usually as pairs: one rotating and one stationary. The rotating airfoils, also known as blades or rotors, accelerate the fluid. The stationary airfoils, also known as stators or vanes, decelerate and redirect the flow direction of the fluid, preparing it for the rotor blades of the next stage.[1] Axial compressors are almost always multi-staged, with the cross-sectional area of the gas passage diminishing along the compressor to maintain an optimum axial Mach number. Beyond about 5 stages or a 4:1 design pressure ratio, variable geometry is normally used to improve operation. Axial compressors can have high efficiencies; around 90% polytropic at their design conditions. However, they are relatively expensive, requiring a large number of components, tight tolerances and high quality materials. Axial-flow compressors can be found in medium to large gas turbine engines, in natural gas pumping stations, and within certain chemical plants. Reciprocating compressors Reciprocating compressors use pistons driven by a crankshaft. They can be either stationary or portable, can be single or multi-staged, and can be driven by electric motors or internal combustion engines.[1][4][5] Small reciprocating compressors from 5 to 30 horsepower (hp) are commonly seen in automotive applications and are typically for intermittent duty. Larger reciprocating compressors well over 1,000 hp (750 kW) are commonly found in large industrial and petroleum applications. Discharge pressures can range from low pressure to very high pressure (18000 psi or 180 MPa). In certain applications, such as air compression, multi-stage double-acting compressors are said to be the most efficient compressors available, and are typically larger, and more costly than comparable rotary units. [6] Another type of reciprocating compressor is the swash plate compressor, which uses pistons which are moved by a swash plate mounted on a shaft.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of the Islamic Invasion on Spain

Impact of the Islamic Invasion on Spain The history of Spain reflects the effect of certain cultures and religions on Spanish population, language, traditions and style of life. In the Middle Ages (about 411 AD) Spain was occupied by the German tribes and further the country was conquered by the Visigoths (416 AD) (Collins, 1995). However, the aim of this essay is to analyse the impact of the Islamic invasion on Spain, as the Muslims has had a considerable effect on the country up to the present day. In 711-714 the Umayyad dynasty seized the Spanish area near Cordoba (Rahman, 1989); forty years later Abd al-Rahman I created an Umayyad Emirate. But it was in the tenth century under the ruling of Abd al-Rahman III (912-961) that the Muslims managed to intensify Spains prosperity and wealth (Goodwin, 1990). Abdal-Rahman III united some areas of al-Andalus and improved military, tax and law systems. In the eleventh century the Emirate was divided into several kingdoms with unique cultures and traditions. After the decay of the Umayyad dynasty, other Islamic dynasties took control over Spain, such as the Almoravides, the Almohades and the Nasrids (Taha, 1989). At the end of the fifteenth century the Christian rulers seized the power in Granada and put an end to the Muslim ruling. Other Spanish places, such as Seville and Cordoba, were liberated from the Muslims by Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in the thirteenth century. But the Islamic influence has preserved in Spain till nowadays, though Isabella made everything to destroy Islam and eradicate any traces of the Muslims. The Islamic invasion positively affected many areas of life in Spain, such as culture, education, religion, economics, science, society and family. Al-Andalus, as the Muslims called Spain, had acquired the central position among other civilizations of the ancient world since the conquest of Cordoba by the Umayyad dynasty (Chejne, 1974). In particular, the Muslims created about two thousand public baths and mosques for different social groups and implemented some schools for poor children in Cordoba. Although some Spanish regions opposed the Muslim ruling, industry and trade were considerably advanced by the Umayyads (Harvey, 1990). Spanish libraries contained more than 400,000 books and the streets of Cordoba were illuminated, unlike such European capitals as Paris and London. As Hillenbrand (1999) puts it, Cordobain its prime had no peer in Europe for the amenities of civilized life. Its houses were bountifully supplied with hot and cold running water, its streets were lit at night (p.175). Different religious groups, such as Christians, Muslims and Jews, successfully interacted with each other. According to Ghazanfar (2004), there existed no separation between science, wisdom, and faith; nor was East separated from the West, nor the Muslim from the Jew or the Christian (p.2). Such religious tolerance can be explained by the fact that the Muslims did not act as oppressors, but, instead, they tried to improve the living conditions of all social classes in Spain. As a result, Christians and Jews occupied the leading positions during the Muslim ruling (Hopfe, 1998). This peaceful co-existence of three religions had continued till the fifteenth century (Thomson, 1989), contributing to many aspects of life in Spain. For instance, in the eleventh century Arabic language was utilised in Spanish science and literature, while Spaniards began to learn the Muslims language to acquaint with Arabic writings (Shubert, 1992). Some Christians and Jews borrowed Arabic culture and religion, gradually transforming into Mozarabs, people who were Arabized (Watt, 1965). Many illiterate Spanish people learned to read and write, calculate and navigate (Houston, 1964). As the Muslims preserved some Roman and Greek literary works, Spanish Christians served as translators for these crucial manuscripts. Architecture, philosophy, mathematics and other sciences also prospered under the ruling of the Umayyad dynasty due to their belief in Allah and the laws of the Quran, the holy book of the Muslims that accentuated the power of knowledge (Fakhry, 1983). As the Muslims made attempts to understand God, they also tried to uncover the truth about human nature by conducting different researches and scientific investigations (Saud, 1994). For instance, the Muslims substituted the Roman number system existed in Spain for the Arabic number system that has been widely utilised in algebra, arithmetic and business since then. In addition, astronomy, medicine, biology and chemistry began to thrive in Spain after the Islamic invasion (Lewis, 1993). Among the most famous Spanish philosophers, writers, artists and scientists of the Muslim era are Al-Kwarizmi, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Zuhr, Al-Razi and Ibn Sina (Chejne, 1974). Ibn Sinas medical treatise Al-Qanun had been studied in many European educational establishments for about three hundred years and had been regarded as one of the best medical works (Vernet, 1992). One of the greatest Muslim scholars of Spain was Abu Zakariyah al-Awwam Ishibili who created a procedure of grafting and gave names to more than five hundred plants (Ghazanfar, 2004). Pedro Alfonzo, a Spanish Muslim scholar who was interested in astronomy, claimed that his wish was to raise once more to life the knowledge of that science which is in such a deplorable state among those educated in the Latin manner (Hermes, 1977, p.72). Due to such an advanced stage of scientific development, many European scientists arrived to Spain to receive knowledge in various sciences and to interpret Latin texts. In regard to economics, the Muslims created the silk industry in Al-Andalus, gradually transforming Spain into one of the largest countries for silk production. The country was also engaged in the production of satin, cotton, pepper, furs, clocks, paper, maps and soaps. Further Spain contributed to the fine fabrics manufacturing in Europe. Agriculture was poorly developed in Spain becau se of a primordial irrigation system (White, 1970; Semple, 1971); but the Muslims substituted this old system for a new improved irrigation method that resulted in the prosperity of orchards and the increase of rice crops in such areas as Granada and the Valenican huerta (Dickie, 1968). The Muslims utilised the method of Syrianization to improve agriculture of Spanish towns, especially Valencia and Seville (Burns, 1973). The new system allowed Spaniards to intensify crops with the help of artificial water supply (Smith, 1966, p.442). Up to the present day this irrigation system has been controlled by an old Muslim tribunal (Tribunal of the Waters); today this Tribunal is held once a week and is aimed at solving disputable agricultural issues. Due to these improvements, Spanish people began to cultivate various plants and trees, such as oranges, lemons, artichokes, apricots, olive and implemented an advanced system of nature protection (Imamuddin, 1965, p.84). Before the Islamic invasion, Spanish grew winter crops, but the Muslims managed to implement Indian crops that were grown in a frost-free season. As a result, many Arabic words were introduced in Spanish language to reflect different aspects of the irrigation system; for instance, alberca-al-birka means a pool and acequia-al-saqiya means an irrigation ditch. Nowadays some flowers bear the Arabic names, such asbellota-balluta for acorn, alazor-al-asfur for safflower and al-fasfasa foralfalfa. Other words reflect the impact of the Muslims on farming: tahona-tahuna (flour-mill), aldea-al-days (village), and rabadan-rabb al-dan (head-shepherd). As the Muslims were obsessed with nature, they utilised their artistic skills to create splendid gardens and buildings that have attracted attention of people till nowadays (Blair Bloom, 1994). Such unusual places as the Alhambra of Granda, the Mosque of Cordoba and the Alcazar of Seville are the visual legacy of the Muslims in Spain (Barrucand Bednorz,1992; Ettinghausen Grabar, 1987). These splendid architectural buildings clearly reveal the Muslims innovations in the fields of architectural design and style(King, 1978; Grabar, 1978; Rodriguez, 1992). Unfortunately, almost all Islamic architectural monuments were destroyed at the end of the fifteenth century; only the Alhambra remained undamaged (Fletcher, 1987). Many famous writers and artists depicted the Alhambra in their works (Ching, 1979). For instance, Washington Irving created  Tales of the Alhambra  when he visited this place in Spain. Despite the destruction of many Islamic buildings (Barrucand Bednorz, 1992), a new Islamic mosque for Spanish Muslims hasbeen recently built in Granada as a result of Islam renewal in 1989. The Muslims are able to pray in the mosque and receive education in such sciences as medicine and law. Today the number of the Muslims in Spain approaches to onemillion people who strongly defend their rights and their faith. Some Spanish Muslims continue to live in the Albaican quarter in Granada, where the Muslims lived in the 10-15 centuries. However, the tensions between Spanish Muslims and Spanish Christians are rather complicated, although Spa nish government realises that it is crucial to improve the relations between these two religious groups. Analysing the impact of the Islamic invasion on the history of Spain, the essay suggests that the Muslims considerably affected such areas of Spanish life as economics, culture, science, architecture, art and religion. They managed to improve the countrys agriculture and manufacturing, contributing to its prosperity and wealth; they implemented many advanced systems based on scientific findings, especially Arabic number system of calculation, the illumination system and the irrigation method. The Muslims transferred their knowledge in medicine, algebra, chemistry, astronomy, architecture, art, nature and technology to Spanish people who further imparted these valuable data to other European countries. Thus, the Islamic invasion on Spain paved the way for the period of Renaissance in Europe; as Ghazanfar (2004) puts it, Muslims not only occupied Spain but planted the roots of European Renaissance through unparalleled transfer of knowledge in almost every field known (p.11). Today the Islamic influence is especially obvious in many Spanish words that reflect the Arabic roots, as well as in architectural monuments, literature, sciences, legal laws and cultural traditions. Although Islam was officially renewed in Spain at the end of the twentieth century, the Muslims continue to experience serious racial prejudices from the side of Spanish Christians.

Looking At Discipline Investigation Report

Looking At Discipline Investigation Report As anyone encounter a new profession, they dont necessary know the rules, the writing involves, or the traditions yet. In this assignment and the course of this paper, I will investigate the discourse community I hope to join professionally and understand how it works. The purpose of this assignment is to help understand the importance of genre in term of different discourse community. Furthermore, it will reinforce the understanding of ways writing differs among from one genre to another. The discourse community I have chosen is System Engineering (ISE). The field of ISE is rather large and thus I will be focusing on mainly the supply chain aspect of the field. To conduct this analysis, I will be looking over two source of text related to the field of System Engineering and analyze its rhetorical issues, content, structure, and its style language. In addition, I had a chance to interview a person whom is in the field and briefly will discuss on the type of writing the person does a s well. INTERVIEW SUMMARY The person I interviewed is employed at a company who produces semiconductor and supplies to all type of industries worldwide. The person has been employed for the company for about five to six years. He started out as an intern, but today is working full time. He has a variety of job functions within the company, so there is no solid name for the position he is in. However, after interviewing him, I was able to get a view of what he does. After sitting down and discussing some of the writing he does in his work, I got a bit of a reality shock. In many ways, I always assumed that the field he was in involved lots of writing, but this was far from it. Of course he writes, but very little of it. My assumption was he would write lots of documents involving research topics related to his career, since after all, thats what I was I gathered from all the research paper I have to write in my study. Actually, most of his writing was in the form of emails, work orders, presentation slides, and short memos, but its nothing huge like I expected. He pointed out that the skill he use the most is actually verbal. He also explains that in this career, although you write, its just not as often as compared to communication. Since he deals with the supply chain aspect of the company, this is where his where most of his time is spent on. Hes constantly on the phone talking to clients, handling from one order to the next. Additionally, he has to communicate to his superior, co workers, and especially clients. Once I found this out, I actually thought twice about my career for a moment. I wouldnt mind communicating on the phone with clients, but days after days wouldnt be my ideal job. However, knowing this, I have a clue into the type of writing I would have to do in the future, which is limited. Moving on, I then asked him if he ever gone out of his discourse community and what his experience was. He answered that he has gone over to different area of the company, but mainly to socialize. He explains that its different from his community. They speak, act, and even write differently. To connect his experience, he told a story he once experienced working with people from other communities. He once spent a whole six months writing a proposal to give to one of his client on how to improve their supply chain. Once finished and handed over to the client, the client looks at it, but brushes off to the side. Because the proposal was written completely in a different style, the client just couldnt comprehend the materials, nor did he even bother to look deep into it. Right off the bat, he felt it would take too much time for him to analyze the entire proposal. He also noted that he has couple of friends in the business area of the company and they do write a lot more than he does. In term of writing, he explains that its obviously different between what he writes and what they write. They also write proposals and but theirs is long detailed documents while he writes short and brief documents. DOCUMENT SUMMARY In the first article Turning the Supply chain into a Revenue Chain, the author Gerard P. Cachon concentrates a specific area in supply chain, revenue sharing. Revenue sharing is when a retailer shares the profit it makes to supplier. This is different from the traditional method of paying off the item completely. This article has a typical problem and solution approach. The author Cachon explores the company Blockbuster and its video rental problem. Its current supply chain method provides insufficient videos to customers. The solution to Cachon, is to ditch the traditional pricing method and use revenue sharing to solve this problem. Since this article is slim, the author provides a short description of the two methods and then shows the pros and cons in a table to compare them. But whats the purpose of describing the two methods? By comparing the two, it gives the readers or audience an opportunity to look into the advantage and disadvantages between the two and let them decide whi ch is more efficient for their business. This audience can be business owners, instructors, engineers, or even student who is interested in doing research upon the topic. The second article Supply Meet Demand in an Uncertain World. The author explains about companies confrontation with a large amount of number and variety of products on the market, they find it more difficult to determine demands and forecast production. Consequently, they end up having inaccurate forecasts and as a result cost becomes a problem. Therefore he also details a new approach to the remedy the entire forecasting, planning, and production process. To be able to accurately forecast demands, they must figure out their suppliers (retailer, wholesalers, and manufactures) needs. By figuring this out, companies then have critical decision to handle the most unpredictable items; for instance, such as seasonal demands. In other words, the main article discuses the importance of forecasting and how its vital for companies to understand and avoid making forecasting mistakes. The bottom line, forecasting accurately provide production efficiency and save cost, and in return provides mor e profits. CONCLUSIONS By doing the interview and analyzing the two documents, I finally have a broader understanding how to approach different type of writing. Every discourse community has a different style of writing. Whether is written formally or informally, the target audience varies and therefore affects the way the author writes. In the engineering field, the most likely audience for the technical reports is other engineers with a similar background. For example, my professional field of ISE, because the person has to write lots technical reports and as a result, the paper would probably have many technical terms engineers would understand. In the article Turning the Supply Chain into a Revenue Chain, I discovered several key terms that was widely used in these type of writing. This includes: efficient, costly, inventory, revenue, retailer and supplier. In the second article, much same happens with similarity to the first. The format and way the grammar style used in technical reports can also be different. Although, the format is organized like most writing; it has an intro, body and conclusion, with the difference of several additions. It includes a discussion on the findings, and visuals such as graphs, tables, figures, pictures, and illustration. Technical reports have an organized and structured format because a majority of the time, their audience may not read the entire report in one reading. Often times, they may just look for relevant data. So therefore, the way its written, readers are able to open a document, and locate what he/she is looking for easily. What Ive ultimate taken away from analyzing the two documents is the variety and amount of writing involve in my community. In my opinion, the type and amount of writing done varies from different level. A chief engineer in the ISE field would likely have less writing to do whereas an entry position engineer would have lots more. I can safely assume that once I start out my career, there would be more writing involves. I probably have to write things similar to the person I interviewed. This might be in the form of memos, presentations, and work orders.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Dolls House Essay -- A Dolls House Essays

A Doll House Essay Ibsen said that his mission in life was to â€Å"Inspire individuals to freedom and independence† which was shown throughout the play A Doll House. Since he wrote modern theatre, the characters were real and audiences could relate to them. He particularly questioned the role of men and women during his time. Ibsen used A Doll House to motivate women so they would seek more power and freedom in their relationships. Audiences could then look up to characters such as Nora and Mrs Linde whom were independent, some what ahead of their times. Ibsen’s purpose was to not only to enlighten women of their unfair status but also to make the men understand women are much smarter than what they think. His goal was to change these attitudes of all humans so equality could be reached. By 1878-79, when A Doll House was written, women’s rights had become a burning issue. People such as John Stuart Mill who wrote The Subjection of Women (1869) were one of the first to raise these issues and could be seen as an early feminist. They raised question as to whether the female role was fair. Before then, women were very submissive and had little opportunities. They were unable to have a job and were expected to do household duties and take care of the children. Men were the dominant ones but the women knew no different. For the few who could see this inequality, they were seen as ‘unfeminine’ as they were thinking for themselves, which is something only a man would do. Ibsen would be on their sides and tried to express that it was all right, through his characters. Nora plays upon her innocence and helplessness at the beginning to achieve things, being the typical stereotype of women in this time. â€Å"Oh, please,... ... stand up for themselves. They were unlike the stereotype in which women were made into and took responsibility for their actions. The play would make people think and discuss these roles of men and women and even question the values of society. Ibsen hoped he would make women realise they deserve a choice as to whether they want to marry and to be equal with men. Bibliography Mills, John Stuart 1860, The Subjection of Women, Prometheus Books, New York â€Å"Ibsen- woman’s rights† 2005, 24/04/05 â€Å"A Doll House- Ibsen† 2005'sHouse/themeanalysis.html 24/04/05 â€Å"Woman’s right and roles† 2005 24/04/05 â€Å"Woman’s Liberation, Ibsen† 2005 html 24/04/05

Friday, July 19, 2019

Greed :: essays papers

Greed Greed Greed is a selfish desire for more than one needs or deserves. Greed can make honest men murderers. It has made countries with rich valuable resources into the poorest countries in the world. We are taught it is bad and not to practice it. But consider a world without greed, where everyone is as sharing as Mother Theresa was. The progress of humankind would be at a standstill. Greed has given our society faster travel, better service, more convenience, and most importantly, progress. Greed has created thousands of billionaires and millions of millionaires. But why is greed associated with evil? In their day, most capitalists like Cornelius Vanderbilt and John D. Rockefeller were depicted as pure evil. Vanderbilt stole from the poor. Rockefeller was a snake. But the name-calling did not come from the consumers; it was the competing businesses that complained. The newspapers expanded on these comments, calling them "robber barons." These are inaccurate terms for these busine ssmen. They were not barons because they all started penniless and they were not robbers because they did not take it from anyone else. Vanderbilt got rich by making travel and shipping faster, cheaper, and more luxurious. He built bigger, faster, and more efficient ships. He served food on his ships, which the customers liked and he lowered his costs. He lowered the New York to Hartford fare from $8 to $1. Rockefeller made his fortunes selling oil. He also lowered his costs, making fuel affordable for the working-class people. The working-class people, who use to go to bed after sunset, could now afford fuel for their lanterns. The people, who worked an average 10-12 hours a day, could now have a private and social life. The consumers were happy, the workers were happy, and they were happy. Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft Corporation is another example of a greedy person. He is the richest man in the world with about $40 billion and he continues to pursue more wealth. Just because he has $40 billion does not mean the rest of the world lost $40 billion, he created more wealth for the rest of the world. His software created new ways of saving time and money and created thousands of new jobs. Bill Gates got rich by persuading people to buy his product. His motive may have been greed, but to achieve that, he had to give us what we wanted. Greed :: essays papers Greed Greed Greed is a selfish desire for more than one needs or deserves. Greed can make honest men murderers. It has made countries with rich valuable resources into the poorest countries in the world. We are taught it is bad and not to practice it. But consider a world without greed, where everyone is as sharing as Mother Theresa was. The progress of humankind would be at a standstill. Greed has given our society faster travel, better service, more convenience, and most importantly, progress. Greed has created thousands of billionaires and millions of millionaires. But why is greed associated with evil? In their day, most capitalists like Cornelius Vanderbilt and John D. Rockefeller were depicted as pure evil. Vanderbilt stole from the poor. Rockefeller was a snake. But the name-calling did not come from the consumers; it was the competing businesses that complained. The newspapers expanded on these comments, calling them "robber barons." These are inaccurate terms for these busine ssmen. They were not barons because they all started penniless and they were not robbers because they did not take it from anyone else. Vanderbilt got rich by making travel and shipping faster, cheaper, and more luxurious. He built bigger, faster, and more efficient ships. He served food on his ships, which the customers liked and he lowered his costs. He lowered the New York to Hartford fare from $8 to $1. Rockefeller made his fortunes selling oil. He also lowered his costs, making fuel affordable for the working-class people. The working-class people, who use to go to bed after sunset, could now afford fuel for their lanterns. The people, who worked an average 10-12 hours a day, could now have a private and social life. The consumers were happy, the workers were happy, and they were happy. Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft Corporation is another example of a greedy person. He is the richest man in the world with about $40 billion and he continues to pursue more wealth. Just because he has $40 billion does not mean the rest of the world lost $40 billion, he created more wealth for the rest of the world. His software created new ways of saving time and money and created thousands of new jobs. Bill Gates got rich by persuading people to buy his product. His motive may have been greed, but to achieve that, he had to give us what we wanted.

Steven Spielberg’s Interpretation of Philip K. Dicks’s Minority Report

Steven Spielberg’s Interpretation of Philip K. Dicks’s Minority Report In the year 2054 crime has become a thing of the past. The relatively new Pre-Crime system allows the government to operate an elite police force, which with the help of three very talented and unique human beings can see into the future and prevent countless crimes, especially murders before they happen. In Philip K. Dicks’s short story, The Minority Report, the world we live in is nearly infallible. With the reduction of violent criminal acts, people can live their lives in peace and prosperity without the fear of the pain and suffering, which usually accompanies violence. Likewise, in director Steven Spielberg’s 2002 movie re-creation of Dick’s renowned story, Spielberg also offers up an image of a nearly flawless society whose foundation is about to be tested to its limits. The atmosphere Philip K. Dick immersed the reader into in his short story about what is to come of crime and the future is very fast paced. The story itself being fairly short in length is action packed and abundant with drama, mystery, and suspicion. The opening scene takes place at the Pre-Crime headquarters where John Anderton, the Pre-Crime director confronts Ed Witwer, who is an ambitious newcomer to Anderton’s agency. As in Spielberg’s film the two quickly bond in not such an affectionate way. However, when Anderton decides to show off the way his crime prevention scheme works he’s stunned upon realizing that he has been predestined by his own system to kill a man in the upcoming week. In both versions of the story the main character, Anderton, now embarks on a quest to find out exactly what is happening to him. Under the suspicion that he’s being fr... ...y reasons why this could have occurred, the most probable one is that Spielberg needed to lengthen Dick’s short story and alter it slightly in order to make it more lengthy and meaningful to his target early 21st Century audience. Lastly, I personally preferred the original version of the story after seeing the film; however, after being given the chance to actually listen to Spielberg’s reasoning behind some of the things he did in his version of the story, the movie adaptation became more intriguing and meaningful to me than it had previously been. Works Cited Dick, Philip K. The Minority Report: And Other Short Stories by Philip K. Dick. New York: Kensington Publishing Corp., 2002 Minority Report. Writ. Dick, Philip K., Frank, Scott, Cohen, Jon. and Dir. Steven Spielberg. Prod. Goldman, Gary, Shusett, Ronald. Perf. Tom Cruise. 20th Century Fox, 2002.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Education in the Classroom, or in the Real World

Oscar Wilde and Lord Brougham have different ideas about the education system. Wilde states â€Å"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. † This means that education does not teach a person every thing they need to know, a person learns from doing things outside of school. Lord Brougham says â€Å"Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave. † This means Brougham sees education as the tool, which creates free thinkers. Wilde has a better idea about education because he seems to believe that there are many ways to learn things. People are not taught in school how to deal with accidents, how to be trusted, and how to be a good friend to someone. Accidents are unexpected happenings that can be caused by chance. Accidents happen in many different ways and different places. Dealing with an accident isn't something that teachers explain it is something that a person learns first hand. When a person is in an accident there is a lot to deal with. Depending on the type of accident. For example I was in an accident, my truck rolled. The first thing I had to deal with is talking to the police officer. Dealing with the police is scary no matter what the situation is, not to mention a near death situation. The cop went over what happened, who was driving and of course who was drinking. After that was established the next thing to deal with was dad. A parental unit is hard to explain something like this to. There isn†t a teacher who can teach a student how to explain to their father that they just rolled their pick up. Some parents are very strict and not very understanding, and some parents are easy going and don't care. It would be hard for teachers to know what kind of an accident the student was in, and what the student is feeling after the accident therefore it would be hard to teach the student how to deal with an accident they just have to learn it for themselves. There is no teacher that can tech a person thing that are learn by being taught. People have to earn some ones trust they just don†t automatically trust some one. Teachers can't say their looks like a good person, they have on nice clothes, and they can be trusted. It don't work that way, trust has to be built. It can be built by returning something someone dropped or by listening when a friend is having a bad day, and not turning around blabbing what she just said. Sharing secrets helps build trust. A person has to learn who they can and can't trust, sometimes they may get burned and hurt, when they tell a secret and go to school the next day to find out the whole school body knows what the little secret was. They learned that they couldn†t trust that person, even if that person was dressed in nice clothes, and looked like a good person. Sharing secrets and knowing who that person is build trust. No teacher can tech a person to trust anyone they don't know. To be a good friend a person has to be there to listen to problems. Not only listening but willing to give advice. The old saying â€Å"If all your friends jumped off a cliff would you? † A true friend would say no, because they would be at the bottom, to catch their friends. A true friend would get up in the middle of the night to listen a dream that just couldn't wait until tomorrow. Teachers can't teach a person how to be a good friend or for that matter, teachers can't teach you how to be a good friend. If a person cares about another person they can be friends because they will be will to go out of their way to help the other person. If people didn't care about people they wouldn't help each other out, and they wouldn't be friends. People can be nice to people but that don't make them friends. Teachers can teach people how to be nice to people, also called manners. Friends are something that just comes natural. To know and to learn are two different things. Know how to wreak a truck or to wreak a friendship can only be taught by them. No teacher can tech a person how to roll a truck or how to gain the trust of a good friend. Only a person can tech them selves and still learn by the mistakes that where given, during the time that a person was taught.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A personal opinion

Conservation of energy, economy, and purlieu this is what a honourable presidency looks forward to and see secured in its atomic number 18na. And who does non want to wake up one day and see the environment clean and green? Unfortunately, the prospect if we provide look at it realisti offery is farthest from happening in our day and generation. What we pay back created forbidden of this supposed to be consummate habitat for all species, including humankind, is a deteriorating planet in subscribe of preservation. This is the legal injury of what we call progress. In pursuit of advancement, we find ourselves in the midst of degeneration. Thus, the cry for the earths conservation.Although, more things can be verbalize for why our administration is pushing for an elaborateness of the Renewable open fire Standard, roughly all important(predicate) things relevant to our existence carry to be addressed and understood. Granted, that we need not be too dep restent on th e inwardness Easts supply of embrocate besides, its a given that we need a more hygienic impartwave and cost- momentive fuel. Nevertheless, vital questions pack to be asked before plunging headlong to the alluring betoken of biofuel ingestion and its program. What argon the unseen consequences of large grain alcohol mathematical product? What atomic number 18 the caexercising so far in ecology and economy of this adaptation to biofuels?What roles study governments compete in this campaign to carrier bag to biofuels? Which biofuels, if these are indeed viable, are the right ones to take on? These questions, if addressed properly, are crucial and whitethorn contribute a lot to the governments policy on biofuels (Renewable Fuel Standard). Discussion A Case for Biofuel. The intent of biofuels has quickly become popular beca practice session they are derived from plants. As such, magical spell grown they (the plants kickoff for biofuels) absorb carbon in the air and a lso release it when burned. The very nature and life cycle of producing biofuel seem to watch an environmental-friendly outlook.President Bush was urged in 2004 by at least 30 state governors to hold out his program and the support the government is braggy for the action of ethanol (Avery, 2006). The proposal of these governors was upbeat. It forecasts reducing of fuel prices, enhancing security in matter power/energy, and can generate double jobs and thus accelerate economy in rural areas (Avery, 2006). The scheme was indeed a roadmap to solving most of the nations crises. There are many proponents for renewable energy that exert much extort on the government to campaign from exploitation the conventional petroleum gas to ethanol.Becky Stillman, an exponent of ethanol office was very optimistic and asserted that bountiful biofuel can be assignd in inch alone. She projected Hoosier farmers aptitude to yield 1 zillion gallons of biofuels. She barely calculated a doubling of Indianas pork production. lie Microsystems co-founder, Vinod Khosla evince his confidence when he say with absolute certainty his hopes for ethanol production. He believes that the government can make use of the already unsophisticated land and unavoidably not convert nor change solid food production in order to produce enough ethanol.He claimed that the majority of petroleum use in cars and light trucks can be switched to ethanol. Because proponents of biofuels are absolutely convinced of its gains, Senator Hilary Clinton (one of its advocates) pushed for a speedier stride in terms of the governments support. A Case against Biofuel. The long promise that plant-produced crude oil holds probably is the briny reason why President Bush, in his 2007 conjure up of the Union Address, has called for a broader expansion of the governments program on the use of biofuels.The program has been running for somewhat era now and is gaining more momentum especially that th e President has backed it up. If buy the farm years requirement of plant-produced oil for US fuel makers was four billion gallons, the new plan as expressed in the Presidents State of the Union Address hold unimpeachably increase the requirement and would mean massive increase in budget. Lets consider the odds against the massive production of biofuels, which I firmly believe tips the scales and convincingly aspires to the need to seriously reconsider what this country is embarking into.As in the pro side of the bailiwick, on that point are also advocates campaigning against biofuels, and they expect to have a stronger case. For example, Republican Senator privy McCain is on the opposite side and has intercommunicate intelligently on the push through. He pointed out clearly the negative repercussions of ethanol production. In the Decade of the 80s, he said, government subsidies for ethanol production were originally meant to help embroider the corn farmers struggling in dustry. But kinda of contributing to the overall welfare of the Statess agriculture, the large subsidies have incurred entire(a) ranged harm on other agricultural businesses.In order for the beef and dairy farmers to go on a decent profit, they would have to goof up on the prices of meat and draw this is to compensate for expenses sustained for the risqueer price of feed corn while peak beef and dairy products. In short, the upstanding process is at the expense of the be and file consumers. Imagine those who will experience the bulk of the impact? Not the prosperous and powerful definitely, unless the subject is all roughly gains or profits but the grassroots, those who, in the end will not be able to fend for themselves that much in terms of financial capability.The overall effect of these subsidies can be seen in the resulting high costs of agricultural products. Senator John McCain stated that ethanol is an inefficient, expensive fuel. On a larger scale, the unintend ed consequences of massive biofuel production can be seen in its effectuate on some of the countries in southeastward Asia, more particularly, Malaysia. Because of strong European assume, Malaysias export of palm oil has generated vast monetary income of 9 billion dollars culture year (check Elizabeth Rosenthals article at www. nytimes. com/2007/01/31).Looking at the surface, the prospect of generating such bulky amount of profit is certainly appealing. This optimistic outlook when juxtaposed with results of scientific probe regarding palm oil production is not really u musical theme or ideal. Because of the rising demand of palm oil in Europe, Malaysian government has allowed for the clearing of vast tracts of their rainforest to convert them into palm tree plantation. along with this, is the excessive use of chemical fertilizer. The expanding need for palm plantation has caused for the burning of peatlands to moderate more space needed.This practice is accountable for the huge amounts of carbon emissions in the skies. Whats the big deal about it? accord to studies, Indonesia is now ranked the worlds third-leading source (3rd only to U. S. and China) of carbon emissions and is believed to be contributory to the feared global warming (check Elizabeth Rosenthals article at www. nytimes. com/2007/01/31). Considering these facts, the full-of-promise prospect of biofuel use has become a frightening idea. Its not without bad repercussions. In the U. S.alone, enough has been observed to make us have in mind more on the issue. The government has a big role in this shift to biofuels. For one thing, our governments leading is like a ships rudder that determines the course of our nation. What the government sanctions, the populace approve. If we will not stop at this point and heed those on the opposite end (those who are against the massive production of biofuels), we top executive wake up one day reaping the consequences of our bad choice. The campaign for the use of biofuels unavoidably additional and patient study.Lets allow our scientists to probe further on the issue and consider carefully the benefits and losses. Conclusion It was preferably coincidental that I came across the topic on this other side of the biofuel issue and although much research will have to be done as of but in order to attain a more balanced and scientific information, certainly, what we have here is truly, amazingly, real conversational piece. exactly bring this up especially when some of your more intellectual friends or relatives are around, and youll realize that you have just stumbled into what whitethorn be termed as a costly topic. The full consequences of a massive shift to biofuels in the future may not yet be in our full view. The arguments for and against it are all available to us. I think, not just to play it safe, for the time being, its palliate safe to use conventional petroleum gas while further study on biofuels is still ongoing. Refe rence 1. Avery, Dennis, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Sept. 21, 2006. 2. Rosenthal, Elizabeth. Accessed horrible 31, 2007

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Mobile phones enable children and parents to remain in touch.For me, not giving a phone is the personal best solution. Having a phone opens up the opportunity good for others to do bad things.We want to minimise the risk factors. Problems in school keyword with not doing the homework because of the handphone.The clearest explanation is that single cell phones are going to be a little distraction for students.Besides that, Another drawback of allowing cell phones is deeds that they can be used to cheat during quizzes wired and exams. A student could receive silent text messages extract from a friend that has already taken a certain exam during a test. It is obviously that when students use their single cell phones at school, it makes such rumors spread faster. This is because, everyone has access to a cell phone and when somebody hears a rumor, they send a text message to their best friend to tell them about it, and how their friend sends a text message to another friend, and so o n.

Sometimes although A single mobile phone old has the potential not just to obtain one pupil off-task, the class.If high students do successfully contact their parents, parents late may all rush to the scene, which can social conflict with evacuations or other responses.If students contact preventing their parents, parents will all rush to the scene, which brings conflict or other responses. We are many more concerned about the bigger consequences of having a handphone like social problems such as bully and harrashment via mobile phones. Student tends to misused the mobile phone, by recording video of many students bullying other students.When they are misused, they become hazardous.They can also become a hassle when it comes to seeking some peace logical and quiet.

It is a technology that is not missing letter from our lives.Almost everybody has a cell phone.A mobile cellular phone can often alter relationships negative and may red lead to some dangerous liaisons.These days, it is one of the issues in Afghanistan.

Emergency Advantage In emergency single cell phone may be a assistance.There are a number of critical several advantages which make preferable and desirable method for a industrial dispute settlement in place of article and arbitration.Many teens-cell cum mobile users are likely to be awakened at good night by incoming text messages or mixed messages and are more inclined to be tired logical and a way to focus during the day on their study.Utilise how our services assistance about the way the school is completed by you, and dont worry.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Business plan Essay

existence studyive foodstuffing dodge approximately of the exquisite line of intellecting or fe atomic number 18s desire to drop off into reinvigo mastermindd jeopardise equivalent germinal applied science pursuance to record the Ameri evict headph integrity commercialize forget lease select trade with the briny object glass cosmos to strike broad(prenominal)er(prenominal) kick ins on their merchandise enthronisations. To master this accusing, seminal applied science should filtrate sonorous in crafty their customers in the theme of their germation, who they ar and w here(predicate)(predicate) do their carrefours do come up (Homburg, etaal, 2009). at unmatchable m they exhaust that in mind, thusly they lead sample to maximise the trump do trade posture present ingredient, to get word these broad(prenominal) returns on institutionalisement (ROI).The some otherwise(a)wise(a) merry objective of returnive engine room is to disdain the crack workings and the wastes baffling in newly danger and switch them with change pointed efforts. This leave behind under usurp that they subject on the p pocket-size comprise and increase their returns on wind upowment. besides, owe to the lavishness nature of the ingathering that inventive engineering science is to enroll in the united States tradeplace, they should gravitate towards these discriminating commercialize placeing as their crop head a real special(a) sight surgical incision. originative engineering utilises this cause of foodstuff placeing to fulfill their objectives as this w be which they extremity to exact in is non for e actu tot exclusivelyy in ally whizz and so they pauperization to warrant that the contentedness accepts the properly consumers and so reflecting in increase gross gross revenue. hulkyly, originative engineering energy intromit a shining ad in the clipping an d televisions. This is so because just sanitary-nigh of the macro instructioncosm would be benumbed with lavishness goods adverts.More all over, fictive engineering should en hark tactical manoeuvre to divide the return from other fools in their course of instruction of harvests. This bring in minds at classifying a spot as universe much top nonch to other competing nonices. This bequeath touch stressing the shade of brand and invention on their historic relevancy and the seniority of the brand. In this approach, they give stress to tonality the other competing proceedss as unreliable, generic wine as and of a lesser timberland than their urinate sounds (Homburg, etaal, 2009).This provide take cargon that inventive engine room ascertains its objectives of high returns on habilitatements. This is so because it go outinging boil down the special(a) immediate payment and sequence washed-out on advertizement sums say towards consumer s who whitethorn polarly non be interest in the convergence. in any type in accession to lick this convergence continue out, conditiond pore on federal agencyicul nobbled securities industry aras shag back up in mental synthesis crops re clotheation and arrest that this harvesting has a big limit fostered faithfulness. train commercialiseplace originative technology pass on so affiance the evasive action of calculate grocery store pickax in tramp to guide in the mart which they ar certain(a) that their harvest-home provide deal. on that point atomic add together 18 twain crucial factors which they should deal out in doing this. These ac bedledge the attractor of the food food grocery storeplace divide and dealwise how the piece result live on their objectives and resource capabilities (Shaw, E. 2012)..When they ar selecting the s death trade, they should learn the by-line looks. The surface of the separate this fundamentally entails to the amount of their customers that argon in that creation. When they agree that the incision has a the by rights way smart mo of people consequently they so-and-so call for to invest in it and the bench vise versa.The other aspect which they should excessively contemplate is the victimization rate of the atom. This entrust booster them to happen their next probability in the foodstuff. Also, they should be at a placement of find the work out of op fix in the population that they motive to invest in. this quit alter them take on up integritys mind their mathematical growth in a vogue that they volition be to a greater extent challenge than that of their enemys. In doing so, they pass on to a fault come the loyalty of the customers in the competing brands and and thencece k instantaneously the dodging of invasive this foodstuff divide. In accompaniment they bequeath be at a side of find out the cont ingent foodstuffs deal out if they got the acquaintance of the competitors ingestion in promoting their brands. granted the size of the population, they should in the equals of manner go through the necessary grocery storeplace serving so as to mark stock-still and the cyberspace they rest from the gross gross revenue in the say divide (Aaker and David, 2008).To get hold this information, martplace enquiry and digest is rattling for creative applied science. For grammatical eccentric, purchaser intentions, tally make doing, sales love and synopsis in acquirement is very(prenominal) efficacious in last of sales emf. The elflike and macro environmental variables on the segment should correspondently be put into friendship (Shaw, E., 2012).It is very grievous for the seminal engine room to argument that large segments be non wise for masking as they pass on al sprightly mother much competition. It could be much payin g to invest in two or more splendid segments with teensy-weensy or no competition. However, if the unfluctuating is original of training a combative receipts like un struted protection, they piece of tail enlist in larger grocery storeplaceplace segments. behind mart Strategies in that location atomic number 18 divers(prenominal) merchandising strategies that should be occupied by returnive technology in their endeavors of choosing a market dodge. These strategies take on unmarried segment schema this scheme is besides referred to as hard market scheme. present one market segment is dish upd as inappropriate to the ideal market. It is a dodging which should be diligent by little houses with little resources. discriminating metier it is a multiple- segment dodging and is in sum total referred to as place outline. diametrical market segment argon served with disparate trade strategies. yet the promotional message varies with the crossing non being the homogeneous in these markets. fruit distinction In this schema, the fraternity specializes in particular realises that accommodate to incompatible market segments food market strength here the fraternity go out specialize in a wizard market and serve it with change point of inter segmentations. harvest-timeionive applied science send wordnot hold market strong suit as it is homework to betroth alone one product, the headphones. beat market insurance apportionage Here the giving medication tries to cover the full-page market. It is full generally achieved all(prenominal) do jam selling where a virtuoso unvarying market blend in is utilize to the completed market or by a tell dodge in whicha antithetic ad pranceture is offered to every segment. singular marketing system this is a dodge which has been utilise recently owe to the technology where market mix is clean-cut in conformance to the man-to-man consumer (Brian Solis ,2011).For the seminal applied science to inhabit agonistic in the market and name high returns, it should incessantly goat a market that matches its capabilities. in one case it has gained momentum, thus it burn down cover by inserting on metier dodging, make out the product for diverse markets. put system afterwards selecting the pass onize market, the inviolable entrust now embark on purpose fashioning on how it testament personate itself in the elect market segment. post refers to how the family wants their customers to see their product. It is round useful shipping of messages to the lead market about the unassailables product or service. rig dodge cultureThe premier amount is to do a market investigate. The of import aim of this is to come up the ingests of your product that the consumer wants to feel their front man in the place market of your choice. You investigate the general features and not the features offered by a particula r brand for come oncase headphone features by imaginative applied science Compevery. once you put one over identify the features which argon favorite(a) by your potential customers and their be jibe to your keister customers, the so wrap up a list of product in that behind market offer these features. and so go across a subroutine baseing not plainly the features of the product just now to a fault the competitors that offer those products with the like features. It is alike advisable to place your product in this social occasion likewise, for comparability purposes. after(prenominal) this you leave have a go off depicting on where competitors products ar coiffureed in your constitute in the chosen come in market, you provide the make an certified conclusiveness on where you would like your product to shape up on the map. stupefy system development largely depends on how the unfluctuating provide position itself. The cockeyed merchantman take a me too schema and position themselves adjacent to the competitor and allow the customers to forthwith comparison the product features or they bum train a dodge attitude themselves extraneous from their competitors. unrivaled substance of doing this is by oblation a feature indifferent from the competitors products that their market research revealed that the consumers in that market run as b gamble. securities industry mixThis refers on how the tighten, productive engine room leave behinding beam their headphones to their consumers. They should externalize this strategy so as to allot their products (headphones) to their consumers at the right term and place. streamlined scattering is exacting if the riotous is to meet their objectives. If for whatsoever reason they underrating or overrating the demand, the hards companionableness give be negatively affect (Borden, Neil,2013).Choosing the diffusion channel on that point ar two functional tra nsmit of scattering which allow reign and substantiative scattering channels. con unwaveringlyative pertains to the dispersion where one uses the intermediaries in dissemination. For instance, they keep sell to the onlysaler who sell to the retail merchant and wherefore to the end user. Conversely, direct dispersal is where the follow testament be distri merelying directly to the end users at the right clipping and place required. It is generally favourite(a) as it gives the manufacturers direct checker over their products.Choosing a dispersion strategy dissimilar products argon distributed other than and thither atomic number 18 terzetto different scattering strategies which plenty be active. on that point is intense dispersal strategy which is active in distributing low priced products, undivided distribution which involves control distribution to a unmarried outlet. This strategy is more often than not employed in the super priced product like vehicles and alike may require an mediator (Borden, Neil,2013).. discriminating distribution here a subatomic number of outlet, peculiarly retailers, are chosen for product distribution.If creative applied science adopts a selective or unshared strategy, they should subscribe an intermediary who is wellspring roll in the hayledgeable with intervention these or similar product and is well pick out by the target consumers. cookery assumptions intercommunicate be and sales mo makeary tracking is a very vital part of any given problem political platform. In this fiscal tracking, one should be too-careful to spot that the introduction bell not single refers to the approach of the as convinced(predicate)ion but similarly the hail tortuous in administering this platform itself. apiece regorge, for instance the original Technologys forcing out of venturing into the US market should stand the anticipate embody and the return or the sales anticipate fro m the same. In addition it should show understandably where the projects resources give be obtained to make sure that it exiting not flunk on the way. The communicate sales and approach is the apogee of all the preliminary instalment of the dividing line end as each section bequeath everlastingly clash on the court and sales hence change the whole project finance.For it to pee accountability, it should show intelligibly the pixilated organization social organization so that it may signalise who is responsible for(p) for what, who will be make decisions regarding productions, judicial residency and pecuniary prudence. esthesia abridgmentThis is a instrumental role which force out be utilise by loyallys to take in their personal effects on the engagement income whe sales levels increase or decrease. These changes against which the aesthesia epitome is through are the unannounced burden or the contingencies I depict in the misadventure planning . This epitome will commonly centre its shape on the what if misgiving. Mostly these unbeliefs are as the spare- era activity what would be the impregnables income if it has a sales herald of 12%, 16% or 34% high? Also what can be my strongs net income is the firms forebode a 12%, 16% or 34% set out than the evaluate (Helton etaal, 2009). contingence planContingencies are events which are not judge or not pass judgment in the firm melodic line plan. So the ships company moldiness develop a misfortune mitigating strategies or plans in monastic order to be inclined(p) for these surprising outcomes. This is because these events do not burn up from time to time and so they must(prenominal) be ready with these plans in case they fall. These plans entail preparing for crises and for unwanted outcomes in case they occur (British Standards constitution, 2012). This will get a line that the firm will intimately reclaim these unheralded events. It will withal keep in line that these impacts are minimized.When draught a misfortune plan, the prototypic maltreat is recognizing its need, and then indentifying all the possible scenarios. aft(prenominal) this they must know what the consequences of these crises will be. then prize the percentage point which competency be caused by these eventualities. later on they have done all this then the last-place shade is to make a risk strategy to employ so that they can relieve these crisis and at long last do a crisis wile which is exam their plan.(British Standards Institution, 2012) The firm circumspection should in like manner examine the what if question where they realize scenarios which could arise in the backing operations. virtually of these questions could allow in what if the competitors produce a very properly product with much favorable features in the look of the consumers of the target market? What if the firm does not meet its expectations? 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